Tensions at Fecafoot: Marc Brys and his staff turned away? |+video

Afrique Sports | On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, the headquarters of the Cameroonian Football Federation (Fecafoot) in Tsinga was the scene of intense tensions.

Marc Brys, the new coach of the Indomitable Lions, arrived accompanied by his entire staff appointed by the government, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education (Minsep).

According to Equinoxe TV, Marc Brys arrived accompanied by his entire staff appointed by the government, as well as the Technical Advisor and Inspector General of the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education. Initially, Marc Brys was allowed in alone, while the others were blocked outside the premises of the institution’s building. Marc Brys threatened to enter if his companions were not allowed in.

Heated exchanges between Cyrille Tollo and Étienne Tamo followed. The Ministry of Sports delegation exited and decided to return.

Samuel Eto’o, the president of Fecafoot, intervened to request that everyone be allowed to enter. However, less than 5 minutes later, Marc Brys and the entire Minsep delegation exited again for an undisclosed destination.

Cyrille Ntolo stated to the press: “The reason we came, the minister requested that this delegation be led by the Inspector General of Services who was supposed to accompany the entire staff. So Mr. Marc Brys and all his assistants and collaborators who were appointed by the head of state.

We have a firm message to convey, and I am saying it here before Fecafoot: there is only one staff that exists at the head of the Indomitable Lions. It is Mr. Brys’s staff and all his collaborators appointed by the head of state, there is no other, there will be no other. The message must be clear.”

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  1. Please, can someone explain the procedure for the nomination of the National Soccer Team coach for others to understand? This will help explain certain aspects of the current crisis between FECAFOOT and the government of Cameroon. It all boils down to who has the final say in the selection of the national team coach. Also, we want to know in what ways was FECAFOOT ignored in the selection of Marc Brys?

  2. The honor is on Fecafoot to appoint, but there’s a catch; with input from the Minister. It is likely the extent of this input that is the sticking point. As long as football matters are not entirely left in the hands of Fecafoot, the discretional powers accorded the minister will always be sore points. You cannot sell someone a goat and hold on to the leash.

  3. I think it is the place of the football association to run the national team and not the ministry of Sports. I see one thing coming, a long ban for Cameroon if this rubbish does not stop. Na Wetin? Look at England, they have the wonderful Premier League that is conquering the whole world. This is thanks to the Organization of the football association (FA) not the ministry of sports. Why cant we learn and use the knowledge acquired to push our society ahead and forget about our personal interest?