
Cameroon bans Elon Musk’s Starlink

ITWeb Africa | Cameroon is seizing Starlink equipment at its ports of entry because the low-orbit satellite provider is not licenced. The decision to seize all Starlink equipment imported into Cameroon comes after the government expressed concerns about national security and unfair competition. In a recent notice given to customs …

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Cameroon’s aviation safety improves, yet falls short of international targets

Business in Cameroon | Transport Minister Jean Ernest Masséna Ngalle Bibehe issued a statement on April 22 detailing the results of a safety audit conducted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) from October 9 to October 20, 2023. The audit, part of the Universal Security Audit Program (USAP), revealed …

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Flambée des cours du cacao: les gagnants parmi les pays producteurs de fèves

RFI | Plafonné à 1 000, puis 1 500 francs CFA en Côte d’Ivoire, ou leur équivalent au Ghana, le kilo de cacao s’est vendu plus de 5 100 francs CFA – soit plus de 8 dollars au Cameroun –, le troisième producteur africain. Les planteurs camerounais tirent actuellement pleinement profit de leur système libéralisé, après …

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Cameroun taps Ivorian firm for visa service upgrade

Business in Cameroon | The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minrex) revealed that Ivorian company Impact Palmarès R&D SAS will manage its electronic visa service for 10 years, extendable, through a data center in Yaoundé. Groundbreaking for the construction of the future Digital Transformation Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs …

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African Development Bank bolsters Central Africa presence with inauguration of new regional office in Yaoundé

In a move that reaffirms its commitment to Central Africa’s development course, the African Development Bank (AfDB) has inaugurated an ultramodern regional office building in Yaoundé, Cameroon. Joseph Dion Ngute, Prime Minister of Cameroon, and Marie-Laure Akin-Olugbade, the Bank Group’s Vice-President for the Regional Development, Integration and Business Delivery Complex, …

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