Cameroon’s Economy Set to Grow 4.2% in 2025, Driven by Cocoa and Infrastructure (Fitch)

Business in Cameroon | Cameroon’s economy is expected to grow by 4.2% in 2025, up from 3.7% in 2024, according to Fitch Solutions, a research firm under Fitch Group, which also owns the credit rating agency Fitch Ratings.

This positive outlook is based on several factors, including stronger consumer spending and a boost in the cocoa sector. Fitch Solutions analysts point to improving household consumption as inflationary pressures ease, alongside major infrastructure projects and solid prospects for cocoa exports.

However, public sector spending is expected to be more restrained, largely due to the upcoming presidential election. “While we anticipate a slight widening of the budget deficit in 2025—to 0.8% of GDP from a surplus of 0.1% in 2024—due to election-related expenses, public consumption should remain limited,” the report notes. The government is focused on controlling expenditures, which will likely curb public procurement of goods and services in 2025.

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