Cameroon Transfers CFA195.3bn to Local Governments (2018-2024)

Business in Cameroon | Between 2018 and 2024, Cameroon’s Ministry of Public Works transferred CFA195.3 billion to decentralized local governments. These funds mainly came from the Public Investment Budget, the Road Fund, and delegated credits.

During this period, the total transfer from the Public Investment Budget amounted to CFA89.8 billion, with the lowest transfer of CFA11.4 billion occurring in 2019. The region that received the largest share from the Public Investment Budget was the Center region, which got CFA17 billion.

From the Road Fund, CFA102 billion was transferred to local governments. The Center region again received the most, with CFA21 billion. Delegated credits totaled CFA2.9 billion over the same period.

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