Cameroon regulator demands suspension of Canal+ Elles

Digital TV Europe | Cameroon’s media regulator, the Conseil National de la Communication (CNC) has demanded the suspension of Canal+-owned thematic channel Canal+ Elles for airing content that it says promotes homosexuality.

The watchdog issued a statement condemning Canal+ Elles for acting as a vehicle for what it described as “obscene practices”.

It said it had already issued a warning to Canal+ in June, and had subsequently initiated consultations with Canal+ International’s management to seek “appropriate solutions”.

However, after claiming that Canal+ International had agreed to the introduction of measures such as the broadcasting of spots advertising the use parental codes and the revision of certain programmes “to conform to the laws and customs of our country”, the CNC concluded that Canal+ Elles had failed to change its practices, and had now demanded the channel’s suspension.

Like a number of other African countries, Cameroon has incorporated punitive anti-LGBTIQA+ measures into its criminal code, with an accompanying crackdown on international media content that is alleged to promote LGBTIQA+ practices and values.

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