CamerounOnline.ORG | Deux semaines après la fusillade mortelle du Camerounais Alain Tsapi près de la gare principale de Düsseldorf, les autorités ont arrêté le suspect présumé. L’incident, survenu le 12 mars, avait coûté la vie à un homme camerounais de 49 ans, à la suite d’un différend financier. Cette arrestation …
Read More »Arrest Made in Fatal Shooting of Alain Tsapi in Düsseldorf
CameroonOnline.ORG | Two weeks after a fatal shooting near the main train station in Düsseldorf, law enforcement authorities have arrested the suspected perpetrator. The incident, which took place on March 12, resulted in the death of Alain Tsapi , a 49-year-old Cameroonian man, reportedly following a dispute over money. The …
Read More »Le Cameroun dans le viseur : la nouvelle proposition d’interdiction de voyage de Trump cible 43 pays
CameroonOnline.ORG | L’administration Trump fait de nouveau la une avec sa dernière tentative de mise en place d’une interdiction de voyage, et cette fois, le Cameroun fait partie des pays visés. Un projet de proposition, rapporté par The New York Times, révèle un système à trois niveaux qui imposerait différents …
Read More »Cameroon on the Chopping Block: Trump’s New Travel Ban Proposal Targets 43 Countries
CameroonOnline.ORG | The Trump administration is once again making headlines with its latest attempt to implement a travel ban, and this time, Cameroon is among the countries caught in the crosshairs. A draft proposal, reported by The New York Times, reveals a three-tier system that would impose varying levels of …
Read More »Cameroon Man Shot in Downtown Düsseldorf: A Deadly Encounter Over Debt
CameroonOnline.ORG | Düsseldorf, Germany —A shocking act of violence unfolded in the Düsseldorf train station district, leaving a man from Cameroon fatally shot in the back seat of a ride-service vehicle. Identified by Cameroonian news sources as 49-year-old Alain Karol Tsapi, also known as “Versace,” the victim was targeted in …
Read More »California: Cameroon Men Arrested in $10 Million Elder Fraud Scheme; Third Suspect at Large
CameroonOnline.ORG | Two men, reportedly from Cameroon and residing in Southern California, have been arrested for allegedly orchestrating an elaborate fraud and money laundering scheme that targeted elderly victims, stealing more than $10 million. A third suspect remains at large. The Accused and the CrimeSylas Nyuydzene Verdzekov, 38, of Chino …
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